Podvoda Club was founded in 2006 in Sofia and currently it has 286 active members – 234 Bulgarians and 52 foreigners. The club was foundedfounded with the idea to answer the needs of Bulgarian divers to create a society with common interests, where everybody is ready to help his partner in need and to experience superior diving with fellow divers. The founders of club PodVoda are people of different age and having different professions, all sharing a common love for diving.
Club goals:
To make recreational scuba diving popular and to connect people who love diving. Create friendships amongst fellow divers, allow divers share opinions, pictures, travel tips, etc.
Establish relations with similar clubs internationally and nurture exchange of ideas, pictures and trips
To popularize recreational scuba diving
Promote environmental awareness of the underwater flora and fauna and work fir the preservation of a clean coast-line and underwater environment.
Club ambitions:
Podvoda club to become a society with various and exiting activities: training, sessions, expeditions to the most interesting points of the world, photo exhibitions,debates, lectures etc.
Cooperate and exchange experience with foreign underwater sport clubs abroad.
Make diving available and accessible to everybody.
Club Moto:
To go where that nobody has been before!
Padi курсове
- Започнете Приключението
- Discover Scuba Diving
- Open Water Diver
- Продължете Приключението
- Advanced Open Water Diver
- Specialty Programs
- Emergency First Response
- Rescue Diver
- Станете Професионалист
- Divemaster
- Assistant Instructor
- Open Water Scuba Instructor
- Програми за деца
- PADI Bubblemaker
- Seal Team
- Сертифицирaн сте от друга организация?
TDI курсове